Traversing the length of the Americas by non-motorized means, connecting stories of the land and its inhabitants.
Part one of a fascinating two part interview with Bethany ‘Fidgit’ Hughes and Lauren ‘Neon’ Reed who are traveling the length of the Americas by non-motorized means, gathering stories of people along the way, inspiring others to pursue their own audacious dreams.

Her Odyssey is an epic journey which began at the southern most tip of Argentina in November 2015 and was originally envisioned to be completed in Alaska late 2020, however life, Covid and other things seem to happen when you are making plans.

This isn’t an interview about travelling detail, but one which touches on all kinds of aspects, the original plan, the changes and the sacrifices in an effort to dig deeper than a simple trip report and hear more in depth about the people undertaking the journey, the reasons why and the changes it has made to them.

You’ll hear about how they raised the funds for this 5 year adventure, which allows them to live in the luxury category of ‘shoestring’ and how their Patreon partners and commerical sposnors have helped keep their spirits alive. But it is hand to mouth existence which so far

This is not a luxury through hike with showers and hotels and every trail head. This is 20,000 miles of hard core travelling and trail blazing, possibly helping set up a new Great Patagonia Trail in the process.
In South America alone, they have covered over 8000 miles in 730 days, through 6 countries and worn through 20 pairs of shoes.
Part two goes into deeper, so join us next week.
Connect with Her Odyssey here
Patreon – Support their project